I have a strong passion for web development, from engaging in solution discussions to delivering finished projects. With experience as a technical project leader and proficiency in both frontend and backend development, I possess a well-rounded skill set. My interests also extend to usability and interaction design, as I believe in creating intuitive and user-friendly experiences.
My journey in web development began in 2002 when I created a web page for a school project. Since then, my dedication to this field has only grown stronger, leading me to pursue a career in it. I pursued my studies in the Web and Multimedia program at Karlstad University in Sweden, further enhancing my knowledge and skills.
As a person, I am known for being energetic, persistent, studious, and independent. I never give up easily and always maintain a strong focus on the tasks at hand. In terms of technical expertise, I excel in JavaScript within a Mac, Windows or Linux-based development environment.
Currently, I am working as a frontend developer with a specific focus on the ExpertInsight product at Definitive Healthcare.
Using the AngularJS framework in a team with strict architecture, code review and guidelines.
Skills: AngularJS, NgRx, RxJS, Playwright, Jest, Storybook, GitLab, Zeplin, Git, VSC.
Mission - Monocl(Definitive Healthcare)
I returned to Monocl to join another team of frontend developers. This time in the AngularJS framework in a team with strict architecture, code review and guidelines.
Skills: AngularJS, NgRx, RxJS, Playwright, Jest, Storybook, GitLab, Zeplin, Git, VSC.
Mission - Essity
Skills and applications used in this mission - React, React Native, React Native Web, Jira, .NET, TestCafé, Azure DevOps, Azure Insights, CSS.
Mission - Monocl
Skills and applications used in this mission - Hugo, CSS, JS, Git, GitHub, Trello, Percy, Turbolinks, NetlifyCMS and form.io.
Mission - Awardit
At Awardit I assisted in the frontend development of portals for customer reward programmes.
Skills and applications used in this mission - ReactJS, Flow, GraphQL, HTML, CSS, Git, GitLab, Asana and Zeplin.
Mission - Volvo Group Connected Solutions
At VGCS I have been part of a new team as a leading developer in 2 new projects. I have been dealing with challenges of starting up a new part of the organisation.
Skills and applications used in this mission was ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JAVA, JAVA Spring Framework, Jest, BDD, Gherkin, Protractor, VSC, JIRA, SCRUM, SAFE, AWS, Git and Gerrit.
The company started based on the need of a new product in the market of personal assistance, the product Aiai. The main functionality for the system are around scheduling shifts for the assistants and time reporting, kaustik.com.
At Kaustik it's important to take the proper way when developing to make it easier for future development. Automated unit tests, pair programming and code review are some techniques used to make sure the quality is kept up to expectations.
Skills and applications used in this job are PHP 7, Symfony3, Twig, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ReactJS, BackboneJS, jQuery, GitHub, Git, PHP Storm, Vagrant, Docker, Apache, Command Line, Linux, BDD, Gherkin, Behat, Jira and SCRUM
Wyoming Interactive is a digital agency located in Edinburgh and does business worldwide. This agency have over 25 employees with various skill sets which allow to focus on a large variety of software and services. Few of the focus areas are marketing, eCommerce and system development, wyoming-interactive.com.
Skills and applications used in this job are Magento, Drupal, SilverStripe, Google Tag Manager, Mac, HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, SASS, Compass, PHP 5, MySQL, Apache, Command Line. Oracle UCM, Eloqua, Assembla, Create Send.
The Sugar Refinery was founded in 2008 and has today over 10 employees who most are located in the city of Edinburgh. The Sugar Refinery has the SugarCRM product as the only focus, thesugarrefinery.com.
At The Sugar Refinery I worked as a Web Developer of the web based open source system SugarCRM. The system is used as a base and is then adapted to suit the needs of different customers. Support on the product is provided with direct customer contact.
Work tasks involving development, support, workshops, training and technical project management.
Skills and applications used in this job was SugarCRM, PHP 5, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, BackboneJS, HTML, CSS, Windows, MS Office, PHPStorm, Talend, AWS, Linux servers, command tools and Apache.
Redpill Linpro was started in 2004 and has today over 150 employees who are specialist in open source solutions and are the leading experts in the Nordics for this area, redpill-linpro.com.
At Redpill Linpro I worked as a Web Developer in the web based open source system SugarCRM. The system is used as a base and is then adapted to suit the needs of different customers. Support on the product is provided with direct customer contact. Some projects have been developed locally on site at the client. My role grew to become more than development to also including technical sale support, mentor, architecture and handling of customer requirements.
Work tasks involving development, support, training, mentor, technical sales, technical project management and writing manuals and guides.
Skills and applications used in this job was SugarCRM, PHP 5, Scrum, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, BackboneJS, JQM, Sencha, PhoneGap, HTML, CSS, Smarty, Mustache, Eclipse, Ubuntu, Linux servers, command tools, REST, SOAP, Vagrant, OpenOffice, Git and SVN.
LINDA is an IT student association at Karlstad University, Sweden.
I was IT responsible in the board and took care of the website. The website was set up using Drupal 6 where a theme was modified with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Skåre was an ice hockey organisation were I was taking care of the website and publishing text, pictures, game results and interview the trainer for the main team.
Karlstad University has been an university since 1999 and has today over 10.000 students and over 1000 employees. The university believe in conducting education in close relation to the companies, kau.se/en.
The Web and Multimedia program is much about web and usability, but also covers the basics of programming and system design.
In 2010 I got a job in web development before finishing the studies and I returned in 2013 to finish the studies while working part time.
Key skills learned at this program was Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Modulation, Interactive Flash Animation, Systems Implementation Techniques, Graphical User Interfaces, Web Development Project, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Databases, C-paper - "Uganda Open Development Partnership Platform: How can the platform be improved?", System Implementation, Future Web Standards and Android Development.
John Bauer was a school that had many IT related courses and was one of the first to introduce a laptop for every student. The concept for John Bauer was to twice a day provide three hours lessons. This way the students are able to get started with a larger and more complicated task compared to one hour lessons.
Key skills learned at this program was JAVA, Action Script, C-sharp, Flash, Web development project, Databases